
High School Design Apprentice
Summer Holidays from 1992 to 1994
My dad has always been a freelance graphic designer, and there was a time when he needed to hire an assistant. After going through different designers, he asked me if I wanted to work with him. I learned how the deisgn and production process was before the computer: brushes, inks, ruling pens, couche, knives, rubber cement, enlarger, photo developments, and letrasets, were part of the arsenal. At 17 I saved up and bought myself a bike! Many popular packages were designed during this period, including many that are still around today. If you've ever been to Chile, Serranita, Kilatte, Choco Fruna, and Kimbo would all ring a bell.
Graphic Designer
1998 - 1999
During the last year of university, with more time on my hands, I worked with designer Roberto Galaz. I had the chance to work on big corporate image projects for a pension funds administrator AFP Santa María, and for his brother Cristian's feature film 'El Chacotero Sentimental'. I learned about how to lead projects from a conceptual standpoint because Roberto was very detail oriented about his art direction. Lessons that would prove to be very useful in the future.
University degree
After five long years of learning, experiences, pickup games, and late nights, I finished my studies in Visual Communications Design at UTEM. Even though it would take me a couple more years to present my thesis and get my degree, I was ready for the world. Besides, during this same period of time I found out I was going to be a dad! I would soon value the importance of having a solid method and knowledge base in the practice of design.
Art Director at Grey Advertising
1999 - 2000
After finishing my Design studies, I decided to concentrate on my degree thesis. So, on a Wednesday I quit the job I had with Roberto Galaz. On Thursday I found out I was going to be a dad! What do I do now? Well, life smiled on me and on a Friday afternoon I got a call for an interview at Grey Advertising. They had aquired a new digital team, and needed someone to gather and lead the design team. On Monday I was already working as Art Director! These were my first steps in the digital world. I applied the design notions I knew at the moment, and learned the technical aspects of HTML, JavaScript, and what at that moment was all the rage: Flash and ActionScript.
UI/UX Designer at El Mercurio
2003 - 2005
Through an agent I was hired at El Mercurio newspaper as UX and UI Designer in a big internal project. The paper needed to completely update its internal administrative system. The team that came toghether was massive and multidisciplinary, nationals and foreigners, many steps and processes. I personally was part of the UX Team, when User Experience was something new. On top of the administrative project, I had the chance to redesign and build the newspaper's Real Estate Ads web site. I think it's still the same :-P
Production Manager at Universidad de las Américas
2005 - 2007
Universidad de las Américas (UDLA) had just been aquired by Laureate and would begin a novel online courses program. They gathered a team of teachers, psycologists, and designers that would have the task of building a semi-digital educational ecosystem from scratch. Since we had to coordinate efforts with the Laureate team in the US, this was the first time ever I had to use my English skills as Production Manager and Art Director. It was one of the most enriching experiences, where I had the chance to really experiment with UX and UI to achieve educational results, using technologies like Moodle, Flash, Scorm, and WordPress, among others.
Production Manager at Cardumen
2007 - 2008
Due to the experience aquired leading the dev team at UDLA, I got contacted by Taisa, an IT company especialised in the banking sector. I had previously worked with them on projects for the State Bank and Santander Bank. This time they were in a reestructuring process between their IT and design teams. All the designers would come together to form an agency (later named Cardumen). They grew organically and needed to structure their process and distribute responsabilities to streamline production. The end result was a lean team in an efficient and fun work environment where everyone enjoyed the day to day. In between tasks, distributions, and deployments, we held FIFA and Guitar Hero tournaments!
Independent Designer
2008 - Current
I'd always had side gigs, so with an abundant portfolio and some scheduled prospects, I decided it was time to go solo. It was a personal challenge to see if I would be able to make it. I had a good network that allowed me to get new projects, so began a new path of many ups and downs, hits and misses. Designing was just part of the daily routine, now I had to do it all: advetising, quoting, negociating, contracting, collecting, fighting, laughing. You gain the most knowledge when you get out of your comfort zone.
Digital Sherpa is Born
2009 - 2017
After a year or so fighting alone, I realised that to grow I would need to lean on someone else. I wasn't going to be able to manage and produce at the same time. I talked to many people, but no one gathered all the conditions or had the availability to go with me on this adventure. Until one day, out of the blue, a met up with an old coleague from UDLA, Eduardo Baeza, told him about what I was up to and he signed up immediately! So, a new chapter would start with Digital Sherpa, now sharing tasks, enjoying the good times toghether and supporting each other through the tough times. On the way we've worked on various projects and clients big and small. It all leaves us new learning experiences to evolve.
WordPress instructor at Adity Academy
2016 - 2017
I've never felt comfortable being on stage, so when the guys at Adity invited me to teach their WordPress course, I jumped at the chance to go out of my comfort zone. Besides, I get to share what I've learned in the more than ten years working with this platform, a small way of giving back to the open source community. I work on my social skills, meet new people, sharpen my knowledge, everyone wins!
Design Lead at uPlanner
2017 - 2024
It was a great challenge to lead the design team in a company with its own products in the education sector. New work methodologies, complex business rules, and constantly evolving products, mixed with pandemic, social unrest, and remote coordination. Fortunately, having good communication between very competent and solidary people was the key to success.